Friday, March 19, 2010


Really, what is so hard about filling out the 2010 Census form? I've heard "it's invasive", "it takes too long", "it's none of the government's business", and so many other excuses not to give 10 minutes out of the day to do what any American should be willing to do. It's not tied to any political party, nor is it a way for the government to gain control over our households. If that were the case, being the census started around the 1800's, it would have been done long before now.

I realize there is a lot of 'buzz' in the media about ACORN being associated in some way to the census, but quite honestly, I don't see it. Voter registration fraud is one thing, counting heads around the table is another. If we account for everyone in our household, and truthfully attest to their age, how can there be any question when voting time comes around? The U.S. Census has nothing to do with the fact we need more stringent procedures in regard to voting on all levels. And by identifying citizens through the census as they cast their vote is one way to make sure of a more honest election.

So, let's get over it, fill it out, and send it in before April 1st rolls around. Regardless of whether you think it's wrong or right, if you don't fill it out in it's entirety, you very well may be facing a $5,000 fine. And if you can afford to do something of that mental caliber, I have some lush tropical land in Arizona I'd like to sell you for less money than that fine. Let's talk.

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