Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Evidence of Observation

It's this time of year that the evidence of observation is noted more than any other time in nature. We are surrounded by what creation pushes forth by the hand of God. Even those who prefer the wintry months are smiling from being able to toss their coat aside. We're all enjoying the breakthrough winds of the north changing to an excited southern breeze. But how much do we really notice?

It is my belief that God created the smallest of flowers to see who would serenly take in it's beauty, or simply walk over it in haste. It's amazing how many take 'nature therapy' for granted, yet are willing to pay a high dollar for someone to tell them everything is fine, just fine. We buy audio and visual tools to relax, stimulate, and help us breathe better when all the while, it is provided for us right outside our door.

This week as the earth is quietly awakening from a deep, cold sleep, take a few moments from your day to walk around and see what's closest to you. Even if it's no further than your yard, there is a glorious world to discover in the rebirth of Spring. And while you're walking, make a conscious effort to look for the tiniest of flowers. Set plans aside for new beds, lawns, and gardens. Just for a bit. You too will see the infinite wonder found only in His Creation of Spring.

1 comment:

  1. I was outside with my dog a few moments ago and while walking around with her... I found a beautiful patch of small purple flowers in my backyard. It's God's way of putting some color on our gray and dead canvas.
