Wednesday, April 21, 2010

'Decluttering' the Bug

If you've read my 'About Me' on Facebook, you know that I'm a 'reforming clutterbug'. Not necessarily a fact I'm proud of, but nonetheless, true. It seems I've been trying to reform most of my life, or at least maintain a semblance of 'surface order'. In other words, everything looks great on the surface, just don't open my closets and drawers!

In the past couple of years I've been working a bit harder towards total victory. Now, I'm a realist enough to know I'll never acquire what I so admire in those who are totally organized. But I've come to recognize my 'red flags' such as "I'll put this here for now", or "If I put these boxes in the other closet, this one will have more room". In other words, I've not cleaned out as much as merely shifted places! And in a large house, that's a very easy thing to do.

When we first moved back to Meridian 20+ years ago, we found one of the older homes in the Poplar Springs area. I fell in love with everything about it. My husband, not so much. He recognized it for what it was worth, "a money pit!". Which by the way is his all time favorite movie. I wonder why that is. Anyway, the problem at that time was how to fill the big rooms. Everything we had seemed so sparse. But in due time, and after much 'shabby chic' decorating, our home was filled with more than enough.

So now, after the kids have long ago moved out and it's just the two of us, it's time to get serious about this 'decluttering'. I seemed to have taken on a new perspective of it all and can't fill boxes quickly enough. Fortunately, my daughter will soon be having her once a year rummage sale for their summer mad money, and guess where my stuff is going! What a great feeling this is! But after I get rid of it all, I might just have to take a drive out to that flea market I've heard so much about on Hwy 45. hmmmm.....


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