Thursday, August 19, 2010

Still Reforming My Ways

Since I have bared my soul to the world with the confession that I'm a reforming clutter bug, I feel it's only right that you be excited with me as I move toward perfection. That is, perfection in others eyes. Actually, I'm satisfied with the way I am, but those whom I hold close feel I will benefit greatly if only I would get organized. They simply don't understand the fact that I know where everything is 90% of the time. Ok, 80% now that I've gotten older. But that's only because someone rocked the boat and moved an item from where I laid it down to where they think it should go.

My latest victory involves going deeper into the confession of 'clutter bugging'. And if I was a betting woman, I'd lay money down that I'm not the only one who does this. One of my bad habits is opening a new container before the last little bit of the old one is gone. Not so much in the kitchen, but in the bath. I have loads of lotion bottles and body spritzers which lay claim to my intolerable habit. My seemingly lifelong intention has been to put the entire content of each of those bottles into one larger container. Well, guess what. I finally began my mission. I have to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying this. It's almost like a mini-perfumery as the different aromas mingle together. Bath and Body, Victoria's Secret, Dollar Store, Estee' Lauder, Basics, Mary Kay, Suave, you name it. Each fragrance trying to outdo the other in a most non-subtle way. I'm not one for heavy scents. In fact, I don't even wear a perfume, so I may have to purchase some unscented lotion to dilute the blend just so the scents aren't so heady.

I'm on day three of my slowly dripping container to container mission. And thus far, I have a total of two 18 ounce bottles that are completely full. My bathroom closet is looking rather sparse at the moment, but to a reforming clutter bug, how exhilarating is that? The large baskets which held all these lotions are now empty and the containers are washed out and in the recycle bin. That recycle truck should be smelling pretty good for at least a week! The poor driver is bound to get ribbed by his fellow workers.

But, I'm excited. This is going to inspire me on to a new level where anything is possible. At least in my little world to reform and get rid of things I no longer use. Wait till my family sees this! proud. amazed. Husband........has fainted!

1 comment:

  1. This is funny and inspiring! I can't wait to do the same with my bottles of lotion.
