Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Being Left in my Right Mind

Being a lefty has always made me wonder if the right handed world ever stops to consider the dilemma of doing things 'backwards'. I know our two right handed kids did.

See, for them, growing up in a home where both Mom and Pop were lefties wasn't exactly easy. Come to think of it, I suppose it wasn't any harder than what lefties go through all their life. They they able to get a good taste of how 10% of society views the rest of the world. Especially when our son started playing baseball and turned up on the field with a left handed glove! We didn't think about it. We just took him to get a glove and that was the assumed hand to try it on. You laugh? Trust me, it's done every day by right handed people to lefties. It's an assumption. And you know what that means without me going into detail.

If you've read this far, then you're actually interested in my right minded ramble. Yes, I did say right minded because as you know, the right side of our brain is dominant just as a righty's left side of the brain is dominant. Strange, I know. And to amuse you further, allow me to list a few adventures of the left handed world.

I don't do metric and I'm too old to learn! So, every time I want to measure something, that means I need to turn a measuring cup around, set it on the counter or hang it in midair and hope I get the measurement correct. Which, I'm thinking, has lead me to to be a 'toss it in to taste' kind of cook. Most of the dishes come out better that way in the long run anyway, just don't ask me for the recipe! Then to top it off, the spout on that measuring cup is always on the left to accommodate the right hand! It's comical in it's own right.

Watches! All watches are made to be worn on the left arm, but we as southpaws wear our watch on the right. Try putting your watch on the right arm, and then try to push the buttons or turn the little knob. Impossible!

How about that computer mouse. The frustration of a right handed mouse can only be measured by a left handed mouse to a righty. Thank goodness for the person who had sense enough to realize that the minority needed help in this area. Hence, primary function in the control panel to change sides.

Try driving a manual if you're left handed. Not impossible, but a feat within itself. At least here in America, we have the advantage of sitting on the left side of the car as the driver. I can't imagine ever trying to drive sitting on the right side and driving in the left lane. That would be far more than my southpaw mind could comprehend.

Playing cards. I don't even want to talk about this. I've tried to explain it to my son and daughter-in-law while we're playing cards about having to turn them upside down. They just stare at me like I'm totally senile. Why not just put the number in all four corners and be done with it?
Then there's scissors, spatulas, rulers, spiral notebooks, barrettes, pencil sharpeners, and tons of other little obstacles of life we lefties encounter.

Now that you've looked into the mirror image of a lefty, it's time to go back into the right handed world. Just remember a quote from 'The World's Greatest Left-Handers', “Left-handers are wired into the artistic half of the brain, which makes them imaginative, creative, surprising, ambiguous, exasperating, stubborn, emotional, witty, obsessive, infuriating, delightful, original, but never, never, dull.”


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